A methodology for the design of euroregional cross-border organizations and its application in the sicily-malta cross-border region

  1. Camonita, Francesco Maria
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Antoni Durà Guimerà Doktorvater/Doktormutter
  2. Andrea Noferini Co-Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Fecha de defensa: 23 von September von 2019

  1. Joan Vicente Rufí Präsident/in
  2. Celso Cancela Outeda Sekretär
  3. Christophe Sohn Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 600073 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


This doctoral thesis presents a coherent and innovative theory-based methodology for the development of new Cross-border Cooperation’s (CBC) Euroregional organizations within the territories of the European Union (EU). In addition to the necessary theoretical framework, the dissertation exploits as case-study the maritime cross-border region between the European islands of Sicily and Malta. The research feeds on a broad knowledge developed in the fields of territorial cooperation both in the academic world (integrating contributions from different disciplines, above all geography and political science) and in the sector of EU institutional policies (INTERREG instrument), specifically through the current objective of the European Territorial Cooperation policy. The dissertation therefore proposes a theoretical model for analyzing the features of Euroregions as permanent and political cooperation structures generally employed in multiple internal borders of the EU. In this regard, the work of analysis and classification was based upon previous databases including excellent Euroregional cases (R&D project COOP-RECOT II). An important purpose derived from the model has been its exploitation as a tool for the preliminary design of new Euroregional organizations. Particular attention was given to territories that do not (yet) present cross-border institutionalization beyond the INTERREG programmes sponsored by the EU (such cross-border regions are defined in the dissertation as "proto-euroregional" territories). In any case, the model holds to the principle that territorial scale has an important correspondence to the type of CBC enacted through the border. At the same time, it exerts an influence over the governance structures existing in a determined region. In addition, this hypothesis is reinforced by introducing the territorial features derived from the geographical border typology. An evident example of this has been shown in the case-study area affected by a maritime context. In relation to this argument, the third contribution of the dissertation derives from the observation of CBC in maritime contexts. This has revealed that maritime border areas between two (or more) EU territories require specific types of governance due to different issues affecting the CBC projects’ execution. Accordingly, these obstacles can be reduced by employing multilevel governance structures and involving actors with territorial competences capable to enact at cross-sea level. To accomplish the creation of a useful Euroregional organization which is genuinely adjusted to the needs of the territory, the dissertation proposes as fourth contribution two further methods based on the interpretation of SAF theory (Strategic Action Fields) and on the adaptation of geo-historical approaches from the Longue Durée (Braudel). This was instrumental in obtaining a multisectoral analysis (commonalities and differences in the CBR) stressing the accent on the power relations and the cross-border flows and issues between the two parts. At the same time, the construction of the methodology has been instrumental in its application to the case-study area. Indeed, it has been exploited in the Sicilian-Maltese case as to provide a list of suggestions derived from theoretical results. These constitute broad indications which may lead to the creation of a Euroregional strategy between the two islands. Lastly, this research demonstrates that it is possible to employ existing academic theories and empirical studies for the consolidation of a theory-based instrument in the design of new Euroregional organizations. Their active presence along the internal borders of the EU, coupled with the desire for peaceful cooperation and joint development within the framework of European Integration, invite us to produce new theoretical tools to support the development of Euroregional initiatives.