“Educar para alteridade”o ensino de história da Shoah e o uso dos testemunhos audiovisuais da USC Shoah Foundation
- Alyne Nathálier da Silva Palmeira 1
- Karl Schurster 1
Universidade de Pernambuco
ISSN: 2448-3583
Año de publicación: 2020
Volumen: 5
Número: 13
Páginas: 195-214
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Educação & Formação
This work, in the theoretical light of the History of Present Time, proposed to construct an analysis of the history teaching of the Shoah, more specifically from the audiovisual materials of the USC Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education, expanding the Brazilian academic research in the field of studies called "teaching pedagogy of collective traumas". We will try to discuss the set of materials chosen, which include testimonies of survivors of the Shoah, appropriating a content analysis. It was established what these materials elucidate on the teaching of this subject, problematizing its methods and objectives, as well as about the proper role of the teacher as a tool of this teaching. From this perspective, Shoah's History Teaching establishes itself as a possible tool in the fight against fascism, in the negation of revisionist theories, and in the understanding of a new cosmo vision about the moral, ethical and juridical values of society in the post -war.
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