Beneficios de implantar un programa de recreos activos en educación primaria

  1. Roberto Silva Piñeiro
  2. Martín Ferreiro Piñeira
Pulso: revista de educación

ISSN: 1577-0338 2445-2866

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 45

Pages: 37-55

Type: Article

DOI: 10.58265/PULSO.5276 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Pulso: revista de educación


A lot of studies warn of inadequate levels of sedentary lifestyles, emotional problems and lack of motivation towards healthy habits from an early age. Vital behaviours are established during childhood, and the school should provide the best examples for acquiring them. We set out to find out whether an active recess programme helps to improve indexes of physical activity in Primary Education, and find out which variables influence participation in recess time. We used the perceived effort scale and a multi-scale to assess intrinsic motivation, perception of the relational environment and intention to practice. A voluntary monitored recess programme was conducted with 30 boys and girls aged 6-11 years, for a period of 2 weeks of preparation and 3 weeks of intervention, every day of the week. High percentages of participation were obtained, both in active and more relaxed breaks, with a higher predisposition in boys (+8.96%). Active monitored recess at a moderate level are an alternative to increase school physical activity, contributing to improve effort control and enhance intrinsic motivation towards physical activity.

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