National and Sub-national Policies and Institutions

  1. Somanathan, Eswaran
  2. Sterner, Thomas
  3. Sugiyama, Taishi
  4. Chimanikire, Donald
  5. Dubash, Navroz K.
  6. Essandoh-Yeddu, Joseph Kow
  7. Fifita, Solomone
  8. Goulder, Lawrence
  9. Jaffe, Adam
  10. Labandeira, Xavier
  11. Managi, Shunsuke
  12. Mitchell, Catherine
  13. Pablo Montero, Juan
  14. Zylicz, Tomasz
  15. Angelsen, Arild
  16. Aoki, Kazumasu
  17. Asano, Kenji
  18. Betsill, Michele
  19. Bhandary, Rishikesh Ram
  20. Braathen, Nils-Axel
  21. Bulkeley, Harriet
  22. Burtraw, Dallas
  23. Carlson, Ann
  24. Gomez-Echeverri, Luis
  25. Haites, Erik
  26. Jotzo, Frank
  27. Kandlikar, Milind
  28. Kimura, Osamu
  29. Kohlin, Gunnar
  30. Komatsu, Hidenori
  31. Marquard, Andrew
  32. Mehling, Michael
  33. Muller, Duane
  34. Mundaca, Luis
  35. Pahle, Michael
  36. Paterson, Matthew
  37. Roger, Charles
  38. Seyboth, Kristin
  39. Spiller, Elisheba
  40. von Stechow, Christoph
  41. Watkiss, Paul
  42. Winkler, Harald
  43. Woodman, Bridget
  44. Montrer des auteurs +
  1. Edenhofer, O (coord.)
  2. PichsMadruga, R (coord.)
  3. Sokona, Y (coord.)
  4. Minx, JC (coord.)
  5. Farahani, E (coord.)
  6. Kadner, S (coord.)
  7. Seyboth, K (coord.)
  8. Adler, A (coord.)
  9. Baum, I (coord.)
  10. Brunner, S (coord.)
  11. Eickemeier, P (coord.)
  12. Kriemann, B (coord.)
  13. Savolainen, J (coord.)
  14. Schlomer, S (coord.)
  15. VonStechow, C (coord.)
  16. Zwickel, T (coord.)

ISBN: 978-1-107-65481-5 978-1-107-05821-7

Année de publication: 2014

Pages: 1141-1205

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage