El reconeixement de les veus de l'alumnat per a la reflexió de la pràctica educativa a secundària. Una recerca col·laborativa

  1. Farré Riera, Laura
Supervised by:
  1. Núria Simó Gil Director

Defence university: Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya

Fecha de defensa: 02 July 2021

  1. María Angeles Parrilla Latas Chair
  2. Joan Soler Mata Secretary
  3. Marta Sabariego Puig Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 707696 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The thesis focuses on the recognition of students' voices and their participation in learning contexts, and situates young people as active agents and co-responsible for educational action. Although nowadays there are more schools that are rethinking the way they work, students often have few opportunities to participate and their voices are invisible. The aim of the research is to recognise students' voices in order to understand their participation in classroom contexts and to reflect on teaching and learning processes for the purpose of implementing more democratic, inclusive and participatory educational practices in secondary schools. The research is based on a collaborative methodological approach in which students and teachers are considered key participants. This has facilitated the achievement of more democratic and horizontal relationships between actors and has established multiple channels of reflection, dialogue and exchange around educational action to build a participatory school culture.