Las noticias de las páginas web oficiales de los clubes de la Liga de Fútbol Profesionalestudio de caso del Athletic Club, Real Sociedad y Deportivo Alavés

  1. David Guardo Puertas
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Xosé Soengas Pérez Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Fecha de defensa: 29 von Mai von 2023

  1. Ana Isabel Rodríguez Vázquez Präsident/in
  2. José Rúas Araújo Sekretär
  3. Francisco García García Vocal

Art: Dissertation


Football has established itself as the most popular sport in the last century whose universal phenomenon influences from the roots of society to its extension into economics and politics. The rise of the Internet and the emergence of the World Wide Web have multiplied the global effect and created new realities. In parallel, a new phenomenology has emerged in sport that affects the multiple dimensions of corporate communication within today's media ecosystem and digital convergence. Contemporary communication practices of clubs, operating as global companies, take into account new socio-economic realities in relation to their revenue models and establish a relationship of interaction with heterogeneous audiences that transcend from the local to the global. This research aims to characterise the publications in the news section of the corporate websites of three sports clubs of the Professional Football League and to determine the role given to the web within the media and evolutionary ecosystem used by the communication departments. The study is based on a content analysis of the news pieces in the news section of the official website, which constitute a specific part of the complex and expansive digital communication of professional clubs, and is developed from the case study of three historic clubs: Athletic Club, Real Sociedad and Deportivo Alavés, and from the consultation of the corresponding communication directors. According to the results obtained, the clubs analysed use the website as a communication platform that is still important for the club, despite the fact that they consider that it is losing interest and prominence in the face of the rise of social networks. The publications analysed, although they respond to a daily, professional and dedicated treatment, the model of each club is different in the use of multimedia, hypertextual or paralinguistic elements. Although they are generally characterised by the club's thematic agenda and the development of a news model whose content is brief and where the rest of the journalistic genres addressed are scarce, both in terms of the volume of production and the length of the content.