Buenas prácticas y oportunidades de mejora en el acompañamiento socioeducativo con juventud en protección durante la transición a la vida adulta

  1. Jesús Deibe Fernández Simo
  2. María Victoria Carrera Fernández
  3. Xosé Manuel Cid Fernández
  4. Edgar Correia Campos
Revista complutense de educación

ISSN: 1130-2496 1988-2793

Any de publicació: 2023

Volum: 34

Número: 3

Pàgines: 583-592

Tipus: Article

DOI: 10.5209/RCED.79700 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccés obert editor

Altres publicacions en: Revista complutense de educación

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Youth in protection are emancipated within a context of vulnerability and lack of social support. The socio-educational accompaniment carried out by the professional teams is decisive in facilitating relationships and secure spaces. Educational intervention helps to achieve the goals of the transition to adult life. This research aimed to analyze good practices in the socio-educational accompaniment that allows creating a safe educational space from which adolescents in protection can begin the process of transition to adult life, as well as to define lines for improving the protection system to consolidate effective strategies and overcome the present obstacles. Qualitative research was designed, organized in three phases according to grounded theory, through participant observation of cases (N=6), longitudinal follow-ups (N=11), and interviews with professionals (N=7). The sample of young people comprised eleven men and seven women. Seven social educators participated. In phase one, notes were taken in a field notebook. In phases two and three, 62 interviews were conducted, 55 with young people leaving the protection system and 7 with professionals. The results indicated that the educational teams’ practices provided spaces of professional reference, promoting a safe scenario from which young people can begin the strenuous challenges of adult life. However, bureaucratic and organizational constraints of the protection system that hindered interventions were detected. Effective socio-educational action prioritized the times of accompaniment in spaces marked by ordinary daily life. It was concluded that it is necessary for residential resources to adapt the organization of work to the socio-educational perspective of the professional teams.

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