Un estudio empírico sobre juegos serios para el cambio social
- Silvia López Gómez 1
- Santiago Fernández Lanza 2
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Universidade de Vigo
ISSN: 2254-5883
Ano de publicación: 2023
Volume: 12
Páxinas: 117-125
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: ReiDoCrea: Revista electrónica de investigación y docencia creativa
The article presents the results of an empirical investigation focused on the analysis of serious games developed for the treatment of social change. In order to carry out this study, in which a content analysis methodology is used, in a first phase the videogames under evaluation were identified, using the Google search engine, limiting the search to the year 2022. After the adoption of inclusion and exclusion criteria the resulting sample consists of eight games. Subsequently, the process of elaboration of the analysis tool and its components is described, among which are the adaptation to the target group to which the videogames are directed, the degree of collaboration that they allow between the players, as well as the playful elements that compose them. Next, after applying the evaluation instrument, quantitative results are obtained and discussed. As a general conclusion, it can be established that there exists a certain homogeneity in the evaluations of the analyzed videogames, which shows that all of them have an intermediate evaluation and, consequently, are susceptible to improvement, especially with regard to the playful appeal of the games.
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