Hands-on Sciencecelebrating science and science education

  1. Manuel Filipe Pereira da Cunha Martins Costa coord.
  2. José Benito Vázquez Dorrío coord.
  3. Josep María Fernández Novell coord.
  4. Carme Zaragoza Domenech coord.

Publisher: Universidade de Vigo

ISBN: 978-84-8158-973-3

Year of publication: 2023

Type: Book


The improvement of the levels of quality and effectiveness in school science education can hardly be achieved in a non supporting environment, provided by societies with a low level of Scientific Literacy, and without an effective change in the way Science Education is traditionally approached in our schools. The method that drives the pursuit of scientific knowledge should be the starting driving and guiding basis of all process of in-school teaching/learning of science. Leading the students to a pro-active posture and an active volunteer