Análisis de los factores desmotivadores durante la enseñanza a distancia de emergencia causada por el Covid-19: El caso del español como lengua extranjera en el Instituto Cervantes de El Cairo

  1. María del Carmen Méndez Santos 1
  1. 1 Universitat d'Alacant

    Universitat d'Alacant

    Alicante, España


Itinerarios: revista de estudios lingüisticos, literarios, históricos y antropológicos

ISSN: 1507-7241

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 37

Pages: 295-322

Type: Article

DOI: 10.7311/ITINERARIOS.37.2023.14 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Itinerarios: revista de estudios lingüisticos, literarios, históricos y antropológicos

Sustainable development goals


The Covid-19 pandemic challenged societies and governments that took as an emergency response to transfer education to a virtual modality. This measure was carried out in an improvised manner, given the urgency of the situation. This meant that the teaching-learning process was transferred to a format and path for which it was not designed. Due to this situation, numerous challenges emerged during its implementation. Given this context, our goal was to investigate and define what factors caused the demotivation of the students in order to inform both teachers and center managers on how to optimize teaching in the event that a similar situation occurs again. For this, we have carried out a quantitative research study among students of the Instituto Cervantes de El Cairo. The mixed-type questionnaire (with open items and others in Likert scale format) has been shown to be reliable and consistent (α = 0.92). The data was processed in SPSS v28 and QDA Miner Lite. The results indicate that students are demotivated by (1) connection problems; (2) lack of interaction, contact and emotional relationship with teachers and classmates; (3) lack of clarity and relevance in activities and content; (4) deficiency of understanding and (5) absence of individualized attention; as wells as (6) poor time management, among other aspects.

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