Cara ao medio século da Revolución dos Caraveisda cohabitación político-militar á cohabitación institucional interpartidista

  1. Fernando Martínez Arribas 1
  1. 1 Universidade de Vigo

    Universidade de Vigo

    Vigo, España


Tempo exterior

ISSN: 1579-6582

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 46

Pages: 129-144

Type: Article

More publications in: Tempo exterior


The end of the Portuguese Estado Novo was promoted by the Movimento das Forças Armadas, which ended up protecting the democratization of the country through mechanisms institutionalized in the political system such as the Council of the Revolution and the design of a semi-presidential system that in its the first stage involved a political-military cohabitation. With the changes produced in the eighties of the 20th century, the military presence disappeared from political life, but not the cohabitation, generalizing from 1986 through the facts an inter-party cohabitation in the Presidency of the Republic and in the Chief of Government that, when it is close to the half century of the Carnation Revolution, acts as an instrument of control of power

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