Tutela mulierum y sus diferentes categorías

  1. María Elisabet Barreiro Morales
Glossae: European Journal of Legal History

ISSN: 0214-669X 2255-2707

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 16

Pages: 24-49

Type: Article

More publications in: Glossae: European Journal of Legal History


The tutela mulierum is an institution of archaic nature, a reflection of the ancient Roman family structure, since it supported its foundation and reason of being in a purely patriarchal system. It was established as an institute of patrimonial protection on the woman, since she could not, due to her levitas animi, have the same negotiation capacity as a man. The woman not only had to be submitted under the potestas of the paterfamilias and the manus of her husband, but the Roman legal system designed an institution so that they had to be submitted perpetually. For this reason, they created different typologies of tutela mulierum: testamentary, legitimate and dative.

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