Manifestaciones de la fuerza máxima y características musculares de miembros inferiores en personas con esclerosis múltiple

  1. Portilla Cueto, Kora Mónica
Dirixida por:
  1. José Antonio de Paz Fernández Director
  2. Carolina Vila-Chã Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de León

Fecha de defensa: 11 de decembro de 2023

  1. Carlos Ayán Pérez Presidente
  2. Ángel Gallego Sellés Secretario/a
  3. Lucimere Bohn Vogal

Tipo: Tese


Múltiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic-degenerative and autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Its incidence has been increasing over recent years and is currently considered one of the main reasons for nontraumatic neurological disability in young adults (Kobelt et al., 2017). Although the etiology is unknown, several risk factors that may determine its appearance have currently been determined (Adamczyk-Sowa, Gębka- Kępińska and Kępiński, 2020). It entails numerous symptoms that affect different spheres of these people, and their condition is associated with a high degree of disability in the medium-long term that has a direct impact on their autonomy and quality of life. All of this requires a multidisciplinary approach where, through different means and professionals, the disease and symptoms in patients are treated (Amatya, Khan and Galea, 2019; Momsen, Ørtenblad and Maribo, 2022). Thus, physical exercise has been postulated as an effective tool to treat various symptoms associated with MS, although in recent years it has also been recommended as a preventive means when developing the disease (Dalgas et al., 2019). Specifically, strength-building exercises are to be considered of special importance, since people with MS tend to present lower levels of strength than their healthy counterparts in all its manifestations, especially in the lower limbs (Dalgas et al., 2013; Cruickshank, Reyes and Ziman, 2015). With a view to maintain optimal levels of strength in the legs to carry out activities of daily living such as walking or climbing stairs, in addition to promoting the independence and autonomy of people with MS, is important and necessary to correctly prescribe exercise based on individual needs correctly in order to ultimately improve their quality of life. Therefore, the main objective of this doctoral thesis is to address the musculoskeletal characteristics and the maximum levels of strength (in its different manifestations) of the lower limbs in people with MS and from there to facilitate the work of competent professionals to prescribe strength-building exercise.