Microfluidic systems in CubeSats: State of the art and its application in the BIXO mission

  1. Martin Blanco-Prego
  2. Manuel Diz-Folgar 1
  3. Santiago Esparis
  4. Guillermo Calvo Hermo
  5. Alejandro Camanzo Mariño 1
  6. Daniel García Lojo
  1. 1 Universidade de Vigo

    Universidade de Vigo

    Vigo, España

    ROR https://ror.org/05rdf8595

Small Satellites & Services International Forum 2023

Year of publication: 2023

Pages: 1-27

Type: Conference paper


In the realm of space missions, effective communication amongst satellite components is paramount. These components encompass both subsystems and payloads, each integral to mission success. Low-level communication protocols are pivotal in facilitating the collection and transmission of data across these elements. These protocols are essential in ensuring the timely and precise relay of information, a necessity in the hostile and technically demanding environment of outer space. To enhance the management of these communications, the Cubesat Space Protocol (CSP) was developed. As a network layer protocol tailored for embedded systems, such as microprocessors, CSP effectively addresses the unique challenges of space communication. It offers a standardized method for data transfer within the satellite architecture, utilizing packet-based communication. CSP is specifically engineered to accommodate the constraints inherent in space systems, including energy efficiency and the capacity to operate under extreme conditions. This article underscores the significance of deploying CSP across diverse platforms and embedded systems. Advocating for a cross-platform strategy, the article elucidates how CSP's implementation in any space subsystem or payload is streamlined. Implementing CSP on various low-level platforms endows the system with remarkable flexibility and adaptability, enabling swift and seamless integration into assorted satellite configurations. Such adaptability is crucial for meeting the evolving demands and technological progressions in space exploration. CSP is emerging as an indispensable tool in augmenting satellite communication, thereby leading to more efficient and successful space missions. Its application across various platforms demonstrates a remarkable capacity for adaptation and enhancement in space communication management, markedly advancing satellite technology and operational efficiency in space missions. Ultimately, CSP stands as a fundamental element in the onward journey of space exploration and operations, heralding a new era of technological advancement in the cosmic frontier.