Abordando la brecha de género en los estudios de ingeniería
- Rivas, Teresa 1
- Longo, María Asunción 1
- Alonso, Elena 1
- Araújo, María 1
- Vázquez, Iria 1
- Saavedra, Ángeles 1
- Torres, Soledad 1
- Pozo, Santiago 1
Universidade de Vigo
ISSN: 3020-4410
Argitalpen urtea: 2023
Alea: 1
Orrialdeak: 59-66
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Gender on digital: Journal of Digital Feminism
In this study, an analysis with gender perspective on the academic and professional trajectory within the field of engineering has been conducted, using the engineering studies carried out in the geographical area of Pontevedra as a reference and covering the period from 1967 to 2018. Firstly, academic performance in university studies has been assessed, followed by a focus on the professional development of graduates from the considered programs, designing a specific survey to collect information on the employment situation. It is concluded that women have good academic results in engineering studies, slightly higher than men. Regarding the professional situation, some specific difficulties that women face in their careers as engineers have been identified.
Erreferentzia bibliografikoak
- Portal de Transparencia de la Universidade de Vigo. https://secretaria.uvigo.gal/uv/web/transparencia/
- Estadística de Estudiantes. Ministerio de Universidades https://www.universidades.gob.es/estadistica-de-estudiantes/
- Informe del proyecto de investigación financiado por la Cátedra Feminismos 4.0, tituladoIngreso, rendemento académico e egreso das mulleres nos graos de enxeñaría da Uvigo(2019) (documento interno).
- Rivas, T., Longo, M.A., Torres, S., López, A.J., Saavedra, A., Araújo, M., Pozo, S., Alonso, E., Salgueiriño, V., Filgueira, A., Vázquez, I, Santiago, L. Rendemento académico e de egreso das mulleres nos graos de enxeñaría da Universidade de Vigo.https://catedrafeminismos.gal/rendemento-mulleres-enxeneria/.