Recursos de evaluación autónoma para reforzar el aprendizaje del Álgebra Lineal mediante la utilización de la plataforma Moodle 2

  1. Casanova Ortega, Daniel
  2. Javierre, E.
  3. Sánchez Rúa, María Teresa
Innovación docente y aprendizaje: experiencias y retos

Editorial: Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación ; Universidad de Zaragoza ; Vicerrectorado de Política Académica

ISBN: 9788409057559

Ano de publicación: 2018

Páxinas: 191-198

Congreso: Innovación docente y aprendizaje: experiencias y retos (11. 2017. Zaragoza)

Tipo: Achega congreso


The complexity and abstraction present in Linear Algebra courses in Engineering Degrees motivate the use of new and more dynamic tools to help the study of the subject. This work responds to this need, seeking a greater involvement of the students in the teaching/learning process through theoretical and practical questionnaires, which aim to ease the understanding of the more abstract concepts of Linear Algebra. This work has been developed in the course Mathematics II, in the Grado en Ingeniería de Organización Industrial taught at the Centro Universitario de laDefensa de Zaragoza. To this end, a set of questionnaires of diferent nature and purpose has been developed and made available to the students at the Moodle 2 platform of the course. By the use of these questionnaires, students have been able to revisit the subject and its fundamental concepts. The analysis of the results obtained in these questionnaires allows the detection of individual or group difculties and consequently it is possible to have an impact during the teaching process.