As Xornadas Interxeracionais de Dinamización do Medio Rural Follas de Vida

  1. María Esther Pérez Enríquez
Revista galega de educación

ISSN: 1132-8932

Year of publication: 2024

Issue Title: Interxeracionalidade

Issue: 88

Pages: 32-35

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista galega de educación


Follas de Vida is the name of the intergenerational journeys to revitalize the rural environment, held at the San Amaro City Hall (Ourense), designed to share moments between the elderly of the Residential Center and the boys and girls of the Eulogio Gómez Franqueira School. They began to be carried out in the 2016-2017 academic year, although the health emergency situation caused by Covid-19 paralyzed the initiative, which little by little seems to be picking up again and gaining momentum.

Bibliographic References

  • Bostrum, A.; Hatton-Yeo, A.; Ohsako, T.; e Sawano, Y. (2001). A general assessment of IP iniciatives in the countries involved. En A. Hatton-Yeo e T. Ohsako (Eds.). Intergenerational Progammes. Public and Research Implications an International Perspective (pp. 3-8). The Best Johnson Foundation.
  • Cid, X. M. e Pérez, M. E. (2016). Gerontología educativa e intergeneracionalidad. Perspectivas Sociales/Social Perspectives, 18(1), 95-125.
  • Limón, M. R. (1998). La educación de las personas mayores. En A. Petrus (Coord.). Pedagogía Social (pp. 292-329). Ariel.