Annotations for LSE-RADIS corpus

  1. Cabeza Pereiro, María del Carmen 1
  2. Pérez Pérez, Ania
  3. Valiño Freire, Juan R.
  4. García-Miguel Gallego, José M. 1
  1. 1 Universidade de Vigo

    Universidade de Vigo

    Vigo, España


Editor: Zenodo

Ano de publicación: 2024

Tipo: Dataset


This resource consists of 30 ELAN .eaf files with the primary (glosses) and secondary (grammatical) annotation of a set of videos in Spanish Sign Language (LSE) that constitute the RADIS corpus (RADIS= "Relaciones Actanciales en Discurso Signado”= “Actantial Relations in Spanish Discourse”), developed by a team of researchers linked to the University of Vigo. A subset of the videos can be viewed, along with glosses and translation, in The objective of the RADIS project is the description of the argument structure, i.e. the grammatical patterns that serve for the expression of events. The annotation files contain specific tiers for id-glosses and translation into Spanish and English, and tiers for part of speech (“Cat”) of each item, and semantic role, animacy, and Locus of each argument. More details about the annotation system are provided in the files “RADIS corpus_description_EN.pdf” and “RADIS gloss-anotation_EN.pdf”