Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Ramón Bouzas Lorenzo (9)


  1. Ehealth and mhealth development in spain: Promise or reality?

    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 18, Núm. 24


  1. Social inclusion, E-Exclusion and re-directing digital development policies

    Proceedings of the European Conference on e-Government, ECEG

  2. e-health and user experience in Spanish public health portals

    Proceedings of the European Conference on e-Government, ECEG


  1. Gobierno electrónico y organismos de igualdad: examen de los canales de acceso

    Mujeres, instituciones y política (Bellaterra), pp. 257-308


  1. Goberno electrónico e organismos de igualdade: exame das canles de acceso

    Mulleres, institucións e política (Santiago de Compostela : Escola Galega de Administración Pública, 2006), pp. 187-226