Mercedes Verdeguer Sancho-rekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (6)


  1. Acción fitotóxica de metabolitos secundarios de "Origanum vulgare" sobre "Arabidopsis thaliana"

    XVII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Malherbología: libro de actas, Vigo, 8-10 de octubre de 2019


  1. Elucidating the phytotoxic potential of natural compounds

    Advances in Plant Ecophysiology Techniques (Springer International Publishing), pp. 363-378

  2. Interactions mediated by secondary metabolites in the agricultural system "Origanum vulgare" associated weeds under climate change conditions: abstract

    European Allelopathy Society Fourth Young Researchers Workshop: Vigo, Spain, December, 12-13, 2018