Publicacions en col·laboració amb investigadors/es de Universidade da Coruña (21)


  1. A novel framework for the quantitative analysis of the projected image of Accessible Tourist Destinations

    Journal of Sustainable Tourism

  2. Luisa Villalta traducida

    O son en que cada lingua se solta: Luísa Villalta tradutora, Luísa Villalta traducida (Servizo de Publicacións), pp. 159-323


  1. The Zika virus crisis during the 2016 Rio Olympic Games: a media cover analysis

    Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Vol. 10, Núm. 1


  1. Treatment in the Spanish digital press of the Brazilian Carnival and its dissemination in social media

    Media and metamedia management (Springer Alemania), pp. 357-363

  2. Treatment in the Spanish digital press of the Brazilian carnival and its dissemination in social media

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Springer Verlag), pp. 357-363


  1. Comunicación en redes sociales de travel advices públicas

    2015 10th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2015


  1. Gestión proactiva de comunicación de crisis en turismo: Brasil ante los retos de los eventos deportivos

    Comunicación, Cultura y Esferas de Poder: libro de Actas. XIII Congreso Internacional Ibercom. Santiago de Compostela, 29, 30 e 31 de maio de 2013

  2. Pollution of surface waters by metalaxyl and nitrate from non-point sources

    Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 461-462, pp. 282-289