Capítols de llibre (15) Publicacions en què ha participat algun/a investigador/a


  1. An Overview of Different Food Bioactive Ingredients

    Handbook of Food Bioactive Ingredients: Properties and Applications (Springer International Publishing), pp. 1-26

  2. Anforas tardoantiguas de la necropolis de la calle Hospital (Vigo, NW Spain)

    LRCW 6: Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry Land and Sea: Pottery Routes (Archaeopress), pp. 340-348

  3. Bioprinting as a fabrication method for cultivated meat

    Cellular Agriculture: Technology, Society, Sustainability and Science (Elsevier), pp. 189-202

  4. Creación de universidades públicas, reconocimiento de universidades privadas y adscripción de centros universitarios

    La nueva ordenación de las universidades: estudios sobre la Ley Orgánica 2/2023 del sistema universitario (Iustel Portal Derecho), pp. 73-95

  5. De la universidad al colegio: cultura científica y divulgación contra la desinformación

    Contra la desinformación: Manual de herramientas y recursos didácticos para el aula (Fragua), pp. 321-337

  6. De lo jurídico a lo monetario: legislación, industria y financiación del documental en España

    El documental en España: Historia, estética e identidad (Cátedra), pp. 433-442

  7. El monoparentalismo en el Olimpo

    Familias monoparentales en la Antigüedad: Construcciones culturales y realidad social (Trea), pp. 47-66

  8. Encapsulation of microalgae-based products for food and feed applications

    Handbook of Food and Feed from Microalgae: Production, Application, Regulation, and Sustainability (Elsevier), pp. 371-393

  9. Extraction and production of drugs from plant

    Phytochemicals in Medicinal Plants: Biodiversity, Bioactivity and Drug Discovery (De Gruyter), pp. 347-368

  10. Management of invasive Australian acacia species in the Iberian Peninsula

    Wattles: Australian Acacia Species Around the World (CABI International), pp. 438-454

  11. Novel weapons, allelopathy and phytotoxicity: Clarifying the role of phytochemistry in the invasiveness of Australian acacia species

    Wattles: Australian Acacia Species Around the World (CABI International), pp. 300-311

  12. Plant alkaloids: Production, extraction, and potential therapeutic properties

    Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry (Springer International Publishing), pp. 157-200

  13. Sulfur-containing compounds from plants

    Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry (Springer International Publishing), pp. 363-402

  14. The apolitical framing of frugal innovation in the global south: Beyond the tales of scarcity, heroic inventors and techno-fixes

    Handbook on Frugal Innovation (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.), pp. 54-68

  15. Valorization of food waste biomass and biomaterials from a circular economy approach

    Sustainable Development and Pathways for Food Ecosystems: Integration and Synergies (Elsevier), pp. 183-226