Publicacións nas que colabora con MARIO SOILAN RODRIGUEZ (36)


  1. Automated production of synthetic point clouds of truss bridges for semantic and instance segmentation using deep learning models

    Automation in Construction, Vol. 158

  2. SemanticRail3D: A 3D Point Cloud dataset with semantic annotations of railway environments

    SemanticRail3D: A 3D Point Cloud dataset with semantic annotations of railway environments

  3. SemanticRail3D: A 3D Point Cloud dataset with semantic annotations of railway environments

    SemanticRail3D: A 3D Point Cloud dataset with semantic annotations of railway environments


  1. Application of MLS data to the assessment of safety-related features in the surrounding area of automatically detected pedestrian crossings

    International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives