Enxeñaría dos recursos naturais e medio ambiente
Carrera Ramírez
Publikationen, an denen er mitarbeitet Fernando Carrera Ramírez (6)
Earth mortars in the “Castro de Santa Trega” (A Guarda, Pontevedra, Spain)
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 37
Deterioration processes affecting prehistoric rock art engravings in granite in NW Spain
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Vol. 43, Núm. 11, pp. 2435-2448
Marking petroglyphs with calcite and gypsum-based chalks: Interaction with granite under different simulated conditions and the effectiveness and harmfulness of cleaning methods
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 612, pp. 81-93
Evaluation of the damaging effects of chalk as marking technique in the granite outcrops with rock art
Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering: ICEUBI2015 Engineering for Society, Covilha, Portugal, 2-4 December (Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI)), pp. 1793-1802
Granite desalination using electromigration. Influence of type of granite and saline contaminant
Journal of Cultural Heritage, Vol. 14, Núm. 5, pp. 365-376
Manifestaciones rupestres
Cova Eirós: primeras evidencias de arte rupestre Paleolítico en el noroeste peninsular (Andavira), pp. 33-64