Publicacións nas que colabora con Alfonso Rodríguez Dono (19)


  1. Numerical analysis of anisotropic stiffness and strength for geomaterials

    Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 15, Núm. 2, pp. 323-338


  1. A case of compatibility between quarrying of ornamental granite and forest exploitation

    Acta Montanistica Slovaca, Vol. 18, Núm. 2, pp. 110-118


  1. Estudios de excavaciones subterráneas en macizos rocosos

    Estudios de excavaciones subterráneas en macizos rocosos

  2. Numerical modelling of tunnel based on a non-contact geological survey method

    45th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium


  1. An approach for characterizing strain-softening Hoek-Brown rock-masses

    Rock Engineering in Difficult Ground Conditions - Soft Rocks and Karst - Proceedings of the Regional Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, EUROCK 2009

  2. Analysis of longitudinal deformation profiles using FLAC3D

    ISRM International Symposium - 6th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, ARMS 2010

  3. Application of the convergence-confinement method to tunnels in rock masses exhibiting Hoek-Brown strain-softening behaviour

    International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. 47, Núm. 1, pp. 150-160

  4. Estimate of support and reinforcement cost increase associated to poor blasting practices in drifting

    Rock Fragmentation by Blasting - Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, FRAGBLAST 9

  5. Preliminary assessment of longitudinal deformation profiles for tunnels excavated in strain-softening rock masses

    Rock Mechanics in Civil and Environmental Engineering - Proceedings of the European Rock Mechanics Symposium, EUROCK 2010

  6. Servo-controlled strength tests on moderately weathered granite

    Rock Engineering in Difficult Ground Conditions - Soft Rocks and Karst - Proceedings of the Regional Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, EUROCK 2009


  1. Canteras dispersas de granito ornamental en una explotación forestal

    Minería sostenible: conferencia internacional, 09 (Cámara Oficial Mineira de Galicia), pp. 469-484

  2. Ground reaction curves for tunnels excavated in different quality rock masses showing several types of post-failure behaviour

    Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 24, Núm. 6, pp. 689-705

  3. Ground reaction curves of a tunnel excavated in a good quality rock mass showing different types of post-failure behaviour

    ISRM International Symposium on Rock Mechanics, SINOROCK 2009

  4. Modelo numérico de explotación de la mina de Tinyag en UDEC

    Minería sostenible: conferencia internacional, 09 (Cámara Oficial Mineira de Galicia), pp. 1009-1018