Efecto de la actividad física aeróbica sobre el deterioro cognitivo leve y estadios tempranos de demencia en personas mayores

  1. Ledezma Dames, Andrés
Supervised by:
  1. José Carlos Millán-Calenti Co-director
  2. Ana Maseda Co-director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 14 July 2017

  1. Lía Fernández Chair
  2. Laura Lorenzo López Secretary
  3. José María Cancela Carral Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 487236 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


Introduction: Increasing evidence supports that recurrent physical activity programs, especially those of the aerobic type, may have beneficial effects on cognitive function in older people who have cognitive impairment. Objective: To analyze the effect of an aerobic physical activity program on the cognitive status of older people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and early stages of dementia. Methods: A randomized clinical trial was conducted with 62 older people from 8 civic centers in the city of A Coruña (72.48 ± 4.99 years). The Experimental Group (EG; n = 31) performed a progressive aerobic exercise program, consisting of city park walks (3 days per week / 1 hour duration / 3 months). The Control Group (CG; n = 31) performed a non-aerobic passive program. Both groups were assessed pre- and post-intervention using neurocognitive instruments: Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Isaac Semantic Fluency Test (TFVs), Wais III Digits Test (TDG-Wais), Trail Making Test A (TMT-A) and physical tests: Six-Minute Walking Test (6MWT), Timed Up and Go (TUG) and Walking Speed in 6 Meters (VM-6m). Results: 57 people completed the study. The EG improved in all the physical tests over CG (p<0.05), only the MMSE and the TDG-Wais improved over CG with a mean post-intervention difference of 1.28 and 1.56 points respectively (p<0.05). The other cognitive tests improved only within the EG. A linear correlation was found at the end of the study between the distance walked in the TM6M and the score obtained in the MMSE. Rho = 0.407 (p<0.001). Conclusion: A three-month moderately-vigorous intensity aerobic training program positively impacts the cognitive performance of older people with MCI and mild dementia.