Seguridad y percepción de riesgo en la formación de imagen turísticaBrasil a través de los agentes autónomos formadores de imagen ante los Juegos Olímpicos

  1. Álvarez de la Torre, Jaime
Supervised by:
  1. Valentín Alejandro Martínez Fernández Co-director
  2. Diego Rodríguez-Toubes Muñiz Co-director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 22 September 2017

  1. Mercedes Caridad Sebastián Chair
  2. Óscar Juanatey Boga Secretary
  3. José Antonio Fraiz Brea Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 506485 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


Brazil's problems of security and safe are not a novelty, but nowadays with the constant increase of situations of conflict that are occurring all over the world it is necessary to carry out a more detailed analysis of variables such as security and risk perception and their influence on the image of tourist destinations. Mainstream press reaches the greatest number of people throughout the consumer decision-making process despite the fact that it less credible than specialized tourist press. However, tourism is a transversal sector and news related to tourism is susceptible of appearing in any one of the media sections. The research of information is a key stage in the election of tourism destinations. Besides travel advices made in origin are credible for tourists and, many countries are establishing them. Analyzing the treatment of the security and the risk in the information coming from the autonomous agents forming the image of a destination is the purpose of this investigation. The mass media may either enhance or attenuate stereotype images associated to Brazil, even throughout events like the Olympic Games. This investigation aims to analyse the information about Brazil provided by mainstream media and official travel advices through content analysis of the digital editions of the main Spanish newspapers.