Gestión estratégica integral de un destino turísticoEl mapa emocional turístico Arousa del Norte (Galicia).

  1. Rodríguez Campo, María Lorena
  2. Gil Pereiras, Carmen
  3. Padín Fabeiro, Carmen
Creativity and survival of the firm under uncertainty
  1. Celant, Attilio (coord.)
  2. Iturralde, Txomin (coord.)

Publisher: Academia Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, AEDEM

ISBN: 978-84-692-5174-4

Year of publication: 2009

Type: Book chapter


Currently there is some consensus that marketing is used as a strategic tool to link with the planning and management of tourist destinations. The need for highly competitive products is key to the economic survival of the destinations, makes it essential to develop tourism products as a strategic planning process that encompasses the marketing steps proposed by the World Tourism Organization (WTO, 1998). Traditionally, the destination marketing organizations have been structured according to strategies based on distribution processes and passive consumers. But there is a clear change in trend and the consumer assumes the power of the process. These institutions need to escape the promotion of the destination for the mass market has an outdated distribution system and instead encourage the consumer to ensure that they effectively promote and provide the experience they are seeking. Personal satisfaction and the experiences are more important, the customer is becoming more independent and involved in planning the itinerary. In this context of change, the Union Arousa Norte (A Coruña, Galicia) was doomed after the wave of fires that ravaged Galicia, and mainly there to look for new ways to retrieve, set and achieve to attract visitors to the five hiking trails. With a clear vision of the new active consumer looking for information in order to define new uses on the proposed routes through intervention reposition the product and the destination. With the goal of turning a weakness into a strength was carried out on Bio Mapping project, developed by the english teacher and artist Christian Nold, getting Emotional Tourist Map, inside a strategic integral management of a destination.