Los contenidos musicales en la radio digital. Hacia la regulación del espacio digital y los drechos de propiedad intelectual

  1. García González, Aurora
  2. Luaces Fandiño, Xoan
La ética de la comunicación a comienzos del siglo XXI: (libro de actas del I Congreso Internacional de Ética de la Comunicación), Facultad de Comunicación 29, 30 y 31 de marzo de 2011
  1. Suárez-Villegas, Juan-Carlos (coord.)

Publisher: Sevilla : Ed. Edufora. Editorial Mad S.L., 2011

ISBN: 978-84-676-5833-0

Year of publication: 2011

Pages: 1072-1081

Type: Book chapter


This communication provides an overview of the music business and its gradual transformation from the advent of the digital age. Furthermore, an analysis of treatment of musical content in the media, the image that the music business and is set on the audience and journalists, labour and ethical implications of consumer piracy has generated. Finally, we offer various alternative explanations for the debates and contradictions about regulation and management of intellectual property rights promoted from different sectors, each with conflicting interests.