El complicado tránsito a la vida activa de jóvenes en riesgo de exclusiónuna perspectiva biográfica

  1. Parrilla Latas, María Angeles
  2. Gallego Vega, Carmen
  3. Moriña-Díez, Anabel
Revista de educación

ISSN: 0034-8082

Datum der Publikation: 2010

Titel der Ausgabe: La transición a la vida activa

Nummer: 351

Seiten: 211-233

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista de educación


This article explores the ways by which three young people belonging to different groups at risk of social exclusion have been inserted into the labour market. For this purpose, it takes a research on the construction of the exclusion process as a benchmark, which is based on a narrative�biographical methodology. The number of participants was 48 aged between 18 and 25. They belong to vulnerable groups for reasons of culture or ethnic minority, disability and socioeconomic class. In this study, exclusion is considered as a long complex process which is socially constructed. Likewise, a unique, personal and subjective perspective was assumed in that same process. Both perspectives, in turn, supported the conceptual and methodological analysis of the transition to working life of young people in this study. The work implied, in each case, the data collection and the analysis across a broad range of biographical�narrative techniques which revealed the existence of multiple profiles and ways of access to active life. This work questioned, at the same time, the possibility of infering general patterns of transitions applied to all young people. Therefore, in this article the stories of three young people are taken as both a thread and frame of reference to show three different cases that will help us to understand the plurality of transitions, pathways and barriers they encountered in their access to work. The article ends raising some questions about the uniqueness of these processes, as well as about the role that certain programs, services and policies have in the transition of young people at risk of exclusion to active life.

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