Análisis del efecto de un modelo de evaluación recíproca sobre el aprendizaje de los deportes de equipo en el contexto escolar

  1. Figueiredo, L. M.
  2. Lago Peñas, Carlos
  3. Fernández Villarino, María Ángeles
European Journal of Human Movement

ISSN: 0214-0071 2386-4095

Year of publication: 2008

Issue: 21

Pages: 99-117

Type: Article

More publications in: European Journal of Human Movement


Evaluating students´ performance in team sports at school is a problem many investigators have faced. Our study has aimed to build, to apply and to verify the effectiveness, in students´ learning, an adaptation of the Assessment Process of Performance in team sports (GPAI), created by Oslin, Mitchell and Griffin (1998) to be used in the Physical Education subject at school. The sample consisted of 48 pupils divides into an experimental group (24 pupils) and a control group (24 pupils) belonging to the second year of the Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO). The dependent variable was the performance obtained by pupils in their declarative knowledge, general game performance decision making and skill execution. As assessment instruments were used the written questionnaire, to evaluate pupils´ declarative knowledge and the observation of pupils´ performance in a game situation by a team of three experts to check the levels of qualify in decision making and the skill execution. Analysing the information differences were found in the results of an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group of pupils has been submitted to an observation program of their peer´ performance in game. We can verify statistically significant differences in the results of both groups in the following aspects: declarative knowledge, general game performance decision making and skill execution. These results achieved in the final evaluation were better in the experimental group.

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