De la estandarización a la adaptación en la publicidad internacionalRevisión teórica del debate

  1. Corbacho-Valencia, Juan-Manuel
Zer: Revista de estudios de comunicación = Komunikazio ikasketen aldizkaria

ISSN: 1137-1102

Year of publication: 2010

Issue: 28

Pages: 181-196

Type: Article

More publications in: Zer: Revista de estudios de comunicación = Komunikazio ikasketen aldizkaria


Technological advances together with the gradual disappearance of borders draw a new geopolitical and socioeconomic scenario which is commonly associated with the concept of globalization widely discussed in diverse areas such as sociology, anthropology, politic and communication. In this context brands and products had to communicate with consumers of other cultures and languages, being advertising the main media for that purpose. The debate on how to implement international advertising strategies is the subject of this article.

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