Los procesos de aprendizaje como propulsores del cambio en las Pymes foresto industriales en Misiones

  1. Nilda C Tañski
  2. Carlos M. Fernandez Jardon
Visión de futuro

ISSN: 1668-8708 1669-7634

Datum der Publikation: 2015

Ausgabe: 19

Nummer: 1

Seiten: 180-205

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Visión de futuro


This is to analyze the behavior and actions of agents related to those changes produced in the emergence and spread of the driving forces of the change of SME enterprises in the Foresty - industry sector and related activities, processes learning that facilitate the process of joining an association within the sector. This is a qualitative study in which data were collected through interviews to twelve entrepreneurs Foresty sector - industry and related activities, in the north of the Province of Misiones (the Alto Paraná). Such information was analyzed using Atlas ti version 4.1 program. For the analysis of learning processes, which allowed previous categories to simplify the procedure, as the expense of reading condition arose. First, as a matter of policy, the theoretical frameworks from the praxis and reflection on the corpus studied were built, as well as the obstacles and difficulties encountered. This required bringing together a number of conceptualizations and around what looks relieved and analyzed. Without pretending to exhaust the references, numerous multidisciplinary input on the behavior of firms to locate more precisely, the conceptual framework that the cases found for the present research is framed and could characterize the territories and observe the relationship between them, local stakeholders and businesses.

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