The Importance of Interpreter Training for Minority Languagesan Analytical Overview of the Co-official Languages in Spain

  1. Baxter, Robert Neal
Quaderns: Revista de traducció

ISSN: 1138-5790

Argitalpen urtea: 2017

Zenbakia: 24

Orrialdeak: 151-177

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Quaderns: Revista de traducció


Within the broader framework of the sociological turn in Translation Studies, this paper begins by reviewing the role played by translation in language planning and more especially the subfield of interpreting as a potential tool for status raising for minority languages, highlighting theimportance of academic training in order to professionalise the sector, thereby improving market perception. Following a presentation of the geographical scope and legal status of the coofficial languages recognised by the Spanish State, the paper goes on to present and analyse theplace dedicated to undergraduate interpreter training in the co-official languages in comparison with Spanish as part of the 10 currently available Translation and Interpreting Degrees involving Basque, Catalan and Galizan, with a special focus on the high-prestige simultaneous mode. Based on the data analysed, while training in this specialised field varies considerably from one university to the next, in general the level of specialised training in this field is greater in Spanish than in the co-official language, reflecting their respective sociolinguistic circumstances. The paper concludes that reinforcing specialised undergraduate interpreter training would help improve market perceptions, allaying resistance to incorporating minority languages into the interpreting services on offer, thereby helping in language promotion and normalisation efforts.

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