Resolución de problemas aritméticos en alumnos con dificultades de aprendizaje y TDAH

  1. Valentín Iglesias-Sarmiento 1
  2. Manuel Deaño Deaño 1
  3. Ángeles Conde Rodríguez 1
  4. Sonia Alfonso Gil 1
  5. Sandra Limia González 1
  6. Fernando Tellado González 1
  1. 1 Universidade de Vigo

    Universidade de Vigo

    Vigo, España


International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology: INFAD. Revista de Psicología

ISSN: 0214-9877

Argitalpen urtea: 2017

Zenbakien izenburua: La psicología hoy: retos, logros y perspectivas de futuro

Alea: 1

Zenbakia: 1

Orrialdeak: 167-176

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology: INFAD. Revista de Psicología


In this investigation, the contribution of cognitive functioning to arithmetic problem solving of children with attention deficit and/or hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and with mathematical learning disabilities (MLD) were examined. The sample was made up of a total of 60 students of 4th, 5th, and 6th grade organized in two groups: ADHD (n = 30) and MLD (n = 30). . Assessment was conducted in two sessions in which the PASS processes and arithmetic problem solving were evaluated. Executive processes predicted arithmetic problem solving in the ADHD group whereas simultaneous processing was the unique predictor in the MLD sample.

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