Realidade aumentada e educaciónunha investigación sobre as súas posibilidades educativas

  1. Vasallo Barrueco, Noa
Supervised by:
  1. Manuela Raposo Rivas Director
  2. María Esther Martínez Figueira Director

Defence university: Universidade de Vigo

Fecha de defensa: 14 February 2020

  1. Manuel Cebrián de la Serna Chair
  2. María Jesús Gallego Arrufat Secretary
  3. Joaquim José Jacinto Escola Committee member
  1. Didáctica, organización escolar e métodos de investigación

Type: Thesis


There are several studies that support that, through new technologies and augmented reality, subjects improve their learning and motivation towards the different educational challenges posed. To do this, we plan a research with qualitative descriptive methodology in which we will conduct a unique case study during the academic year 2017-2018 in a school in the province of Ourense. For the collection of data we will use: discussion groups of teachers and students, registration of field notes and the level of proficiency, questionnaire of mobile devices and augmented reality, didactic units, tests of knowledge, instrument of analysis of the resource and record sheets of activities / projects with augmented reality and m-learning. All this has as general purpose to evaluate and to experience the educational value of the augmented reality in the last year of Infant Education and first years of Primary Education. Mostrar el registro completo del ítem