In vitro culture of eryngium viviparuman endangered plant with therapeutic phytochemical potential

  1. Ayuso Vilaboa, Manuel
Supervised by:
  1. Pedro Pablo Gallego Veigas Director
  2. María Esther Barreal Modroño Co-director

Defence university: Universidade de Vigo

Fecha de defensa: 26 February 2021

  1. Federico Pomar Chair
  2. Nieves Pilar Vidal González Secretary
  3. Anabela María Lopes Romano Committee member
  1. Bioloxía vexetal e ciencias do solo

Type: Thesis


"Eryngium viviparum" is a plant endangered found in some wetlands of Northwest Spain and in Brittany. In addition, this particular species belongs to the genus Eryngium, which is known worldwide for its phytochemical and therapeutic properties. The fact of being in very low numbers, almost at risk of extinction, makes it unfeasible to use plant in its natural state as plant material for extraction of phytochemicals with therapeutic effect. Therefore, this Thesis aims to increase the population of this species by "in vitro" propagation techniques. Through designing specific protocol micropropagation for this specie, a novel pathway which would provide a lot of plants, on one side could be reintroduced into their natural habitat while on the other hand, obtaining plant material would be created sufficient for the assessment of phytochemicals and their therapeutic potential.