Efecto de la práctica de balonmano y atletismo sobre las funciones ejecutivas de niños chilenos en edad escolar

  1. Contreras Osorio, Falonn Harryet
Supervised by:
  1. Luis Javier Chirosa Ríos Co-director
  2. Christian Alex Campos Jara Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 20 May 2022

  1. Helena Vila Suárez Chair
  2. Daniel Jerez Mayorga Secretary
  3. Angela Rodriguez Perea Committee member
  4. Pedro Delgado Floody Committee member
  5. Manuel Gómez López Committee member

Type: Thesis


At the end of this doctoral thesis it can be concluded that, after a systematic review and meta-analysis, sport can have a positive effect on executive function in children and adolescents. Furthermore, it suggests that organized sport may be a better option for the development of executive function than simply increasing physical activity. Schoolchildren who practice sport on a sustained basis for 12 weeks show improvements in their executive function performance in cognitive flexibility, working memory and inhibitory control, while increased physical activity in these groups is also associated with improvements in attention and planning, mainly in the group practicing a team sport. On the other hand, anthropometry, physical activity and physical fitness are related to executive functions and attention in schoolchildren. The present findings suggest the need to implement sports interventions that favor the increase of physical activity, physical fitness and healthy anthropometric parameters in schoolchildren to improve their cognitive development.