Galicia en el reinado de Felipe Vpoder y dinámica política. Introducción

  1. María López Díaz 1
  1. 1 Universidade de Vigo

    Universidade de Vigo

    Vigo, España


Magallanica: revista de historia moderna

ISSN: 2422-779X

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 9

Issue: 18

Pages: 273-282

Type: Article

More publications in: Magallanica: revista de historia moderna


In Spain, like in other European monarchies, several changes set during the Eigtheenth century which were being brewed from the preceding centuries, above all after the Peace of Westphalia. What we would call “Modernity” –the “late Modernity”– inside the Early Modern Period started to advance despite the corporated political model didn’t change. Numerous indications announce and confirm us a new atmosphere that permeated every spheres of the culture and the society, and the policy too; and one of these political indications was the so-called “Bourbon reforming policy” that breaks through the reign of Felipe V. In this dossier, different authors analyze some news that the Bourbon reforming policy involved at local and provincial levels, just in the kingdom of Galicia (the Intendencia, the disabled soldier units, and the bonds narrowed between local elites and the Monarchy through the army). The analysis is propounded from two axes: in one hand, the reforming policy is examined not only through its dialogue with the continuities, but also through the tensions, the conflicts and the arrangements originated by its introduction; and in another hand, it is evaluated through an interdisciplinary perspective and interrelated scopes.

Bibliographic References

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