Utopología o las alternativas a la fragmentación de la subjetividad

  1. Rubín, Abraham
Daimon: revista internacional de filosofía

ISSN: 1130-0507 1989-4651

Argitalpen urtea: 2016

Zenbakien izenburua: Filosofía y cuerpo desde el pensamiento greco-romano hasta la actualidad. En memoria de Rocío Orsi Portalo

Zenbakia: 5

Orrialdeak: 757-763

Mota: Artikulua


Beste argitalpen batzuk: Daimon: revista internacional de filosofía


This article raised the question of developing an analysis of resistances to commodification process, even through unconscious distorted forms, which project attempts of imagination to free itself from an imaginative paralysis that carries inability to think an alternative system that does not pass through a catastrophic phase of mass destruction. This study of alternative futures projections could be called, following Fredric Jameson’s intuition and in the same way of the concept of genealogy, an utopology. We postulate that this work can help to transform the psyche fragmentation into a useful policy operation.

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