¿Son los videojuegos herramientas adecuadas para aprender a aprender?

  1. Fernández Lanza, Santiago 1
  1. 1 Sistemas Informáticos Abiertos S.A. (SIA)
Revista colombiana de educación

ISSN: 0120-3916 2323-0134

Argitalpen urtea: 2022

Zenbakien izenburua: Videojuegos (volumen 2)

Zenbakia: 85

Mota: Artikulua


Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista colombiana de educación


In this article a theoretical analysis is carried out on the possibilities offered by videogames as help tools for the acquisition of the competence of “learning to learn” established by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union as one of the fundamental competences for lifelong learning. Reflection will focus on three aspects of the aforementioned competence. In the first place, skills such as self-reflection and self-awareness of the learning processes themselves associated with said competence. Second, the knowledge acquired about what is known and not known, about the relevance of the content or about the ability to learn. And thirdly, attitudes and values such as motivation or confidence as keys to the acquisition of this competence and in which a good use of video games can play an important role. To do this, the article will begin by analyzing the definition of “learning to learn” and the bibliography related to the use of video games in the classroom. Subsequently, the positive and negative aspects that video games have when they are used will be studied in order for the students to acquire the skills, knowledge, attitudes and values that go hand in hand with the competence of “learning to learn”. Finally, a series of methodological advices will be provided for helping the teacher to use video games effectively with respect to the acquisition of the aforementioned competence in three different ways: to help in the selection of those most appropriate video games in order to acquire the competence of “learning to learn”, helping to implement effective educational strategies for students to learn to learn and helping to use video games as effective tools for the acquisition of this competence.

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