"En el país transparente de Lautaro". Otras lecturas del exilio chileno en Rostock (1974-1977)

  1. Ana María Díaz Pérez 1
  1. 1 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR https://ror.org/01cby8j38

Chasqui: revista de literatura latinoamericana

ISSN: 0145-8973

Argitalpen urtea: 2021

Alea: 51

Zenbakia: 1

Orrialdeak: 377-388

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Chasqui: revista de literatura latinoamericana


As a routine of uprooting, estrangement is presented to the exile as the vital reality to which he returns daily as a confrontation with a previous identity, culture and geography. At the same time, estrangement as an aesthetic practice, and especially in that of displaced authors, converges with existential reality to denounce it in the very architecture of a language that, as Edward Said would say, is provisional and contrapuntal consciousness. However, the question arises to what extent can the fracture of historical experience be represented in the fracture of language? Below we will observe the duality of this vital and scriptural principles, always attentive to the framework of the Chilean exile in the German Democratic Republic between 1974 and 1977. In these authors the duality of estrangement is embodied in a reconstruction of what is proper, the rescue of origin in an inevitably fictional memory because it is unrealizable. Thus, exile becomes a presence in writing; an animal that bursts into the form with greater or lesser immediacy of perception, but with equal urgency. In the work of the Lautaro and Gonzalo Rojas theater ensemble in Rostock, a particular conjunction of the Chilean diaspora, the recovery of this split being then transits between the different degrees of referentiality to the historical experience: from testimonial literature of political affiliation to the return to the germinal and childhood, understanding exile as a condition of the human. On numerous occasions they will seek to unite this expressive polarity in the incorporation of Bertolt Brecht's distancing. As an attempt to unify art and life, a remnant of a rehumanized avant-garde, Brecht's influence will be one of the distinctive signs that will facilitate the reconstruction of his artistic identity in East Germany. In contrast to other literary practices of the exiles in the GDR, with exclusive political guidelines, the works carried out by Lautaro and Rojas in Rostock also sought a dialogue with the aesthetic evolution of national works prior to exile.

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