Department: Química Física

Centre: *Facultade de Ciencias

Campus: Ourense

Area: Physical Chemistry

Research group: Agricultural and Food Research


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela with the thesis Reactividad orgánica en medios microheterogéneos 1996. Supervised by Dr. José Ramón Leis Fidalgo.

I did my Doctoral Thesis on organic reactivity in biomimetic media, which is one of my lines of research that I maintain at present, evaluating catalytic processes on reactions of biological interest in colloidal aggregates. In the same way, the studies of these systems not only restricted their kinetic implications, but also their thermodynamic properties and their internal dynamics. I have also carried out studies related to supramolecular chemistry, in particular with cyclodextrins, crown ethers and cryptands, and their interaction with colloidal aggregates, both from the point of view of their internal dynamics and the effects that these chemical systems have upon the chemical reactivity. At the same time, I have carried out modeling studies of complex systems, in particular colloidal systems, although at present, using different computational tools, in collaboration with different research groups we have applied mathematical models for the prediction of different environmental phenomena. I have also collaborated on issues related to the stability of xenobiotics in the environmental implications of their uses. Finally, I have done studies related to food chemistry and applications of cyclodextrins in this field