Publikationen (306) Publikationen von MANUEL ARIAS ESTEVEZ
Antibiotics, Other Emerging Pollutants, and Pathogenic Microorganisms in Raw and Treated Sewage Sludge Reaching Soils
Frontier Studies in Soil Science, pp. 147-158
Análisis de la presencia de glifosato y glufosinato en suelos cultivados: comparativa entre manejo convencional y orgánico en Galicia (NO España)
X Simposio Nacional sobre el Control de la Degradación y Recuperación de Suelos
Azithromycin removal using pine bark, oak ash and mussel shell
Environmental Research, Vol. 252
Biochar-nanoparticle combinations enhance the biogeochemical recovery of a post-mining soil
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 930
Capacidad de adsorción de la concha de mejillón para contaminantes
X Simposio Nacional sobre el Control de la Degradación y Recuperación de Suelos
Effectiveness of cork and pine bark powders as biosorbents for potentially toxic elements present in aqueous solution
Environmental Research, Vol. 250
Effects of military training, warfare and civilian ammunition debris on the soil organisms: an ecotoxicological review
Biology and Fertility of Soils, Vol. 60, Núm. 6, pp. 813-844
Presencia de residuos de productos fitosanitarios en suelos agrícolas: análisis en parcelas de trigo bajo diferentes manejos en Galicia
X Simposio Nacional sobre el Control de la Degradación y Recuperación de Suelos
Removal of Cefuroxime from Soils Amended with Pine Bark, Mussel Shell and Oak Ash
Processes, Vol. 12, Núm. 7
Simultaneous adsorption of amoxicillin and ciprofloxacin on agricultural soils and by-products used as bio-adsorbents: Unraveling the interactions in complex systems
Environmental Research, Vol. 240
Sorption of Antibiotics in Agricultural Soils as a Function of pH
Spanish Journal of Soil Science: SJSS, Vol. 14, Núm. 1
Adsorción y desorción de dos antibióticos por suelos de Galicia: uso de bioadsorbentes para mejorar su capacidad de retención
XXXIII Reunión Nacional de Suelos : Pamplona-Iruña, 2023: Libro de resúmenes
Adsorption of antibiotics on bio-adsorbents derived from the forestry and agro-food industries
Environmental Research, Vol. 233
Biotic and Abiotic Contamination Due to Emerging Pollutants in Sewage Sludge and Soils: A Country-Based Perspective
Handbook of Environmental Chemistry (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), pp. 1-17
Clarithromycin as soil and environmental pollutant: Adsorption-desorption processes and influence of pH
Environmental Research, Vol. 233
Contaminación combinada de microplásticos y Cu en especies vegetales de interés comercial (Lactuca sativa L.)
XXXIII Reunión Nacional de Suelos : Pamplona-Iruña, 2023: Libro de resúmenes
Direct toxicity of six antibiotics on soil bacterial communities affected by the addition of bio-adsorbents
Environmental Pollution, Vol. 322
Dissolved organic matter as a confounding factor in the determination of pollution-induced community tolerance (PICT) of bacterial communities to heavy metals using the leucine incorporation method
Geoderma, Vol. 430
Do heavy metals affect bacterial communities more in small repeated applications or in a single large application?
Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 325
Early Growth Assessment of Lolium perenne L. as a Cover Crop for Management of Copper Accumulation in Galician Vineyard Soils
Horticulturae, Vol. 9, Núm. 9