Department: Bioloxía vexetal e ciencias do solo

Centre: *Facultade de Ciencias

Institute: Agroecolox

Campus: Ourense

Area: Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry

Research group: -


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidade de Vigo with the thesis Enfoque multianalítico para evaluar la contaminación por plomo en suelos / multianalytical approach to assess the soil contamination by lead 2016. Supervised by Dr. María Luisa Andrade Couce, Dr. Flora Alonso Vega.

I obtained my PhD in Terrestrial Ecosystems at the University of Vigo (UVigo) (Spain) (2013-2016), funded by the UVigo Predoctoral Scholarship and the Deserving Extraordinary Doctorate Award (2015-2016 course). My PhD focused on the behaviour of heavy metals in SUITMAs areas (mining, industrial, urban and military soils) through different techniques and remediation strategies for these soils. During my PhD, I carried out a 5-month predoctoral stay at the Universidade de Porto (UP) (Portugal), funded by the UVIGO travel grant and supervised by Dra. Ruth Pereira, where I learned several ecotoxicological techniques that I applied during my pre- and postdoctoral research. During this predoctoral stay, I also worked on microplastics (MP) and their impact on earthworms, a new line of research that has been keep as one of my research lines to date After my thesis (July 2016), I worked on soil contamination at UVigo until July 2017, and in Dec16-Feb17, I carried out a new research stay at UP to follow the learning of oxidative stress biomarkers in worms exposed to contaminants. In November 2017, I joined FCUP and GreenUPorto (UP) as an integrated member to continue my postdoctoral research, where I achieved two projects funded by CNRS-France, one as co-Pi (Nameless) and one as PI (Matisse) to continue my work with PTEs and MP, respectively. In March 2019, I joined CIIMAR-UP with an FCT junior researcher contract (< 10% success rate), which helped me to start my career as an independent researcher, where I worked with PTEs, MP or burned soils (GreenRehab Project) and improved my networking with other researchers/projects. In May 2022, I returned to UVigo with a JdCi contract (<15% success rate) with Prof. Arias Estévez and co-supervised by Dr Fernández-Calviño, where I’m working on the impact of human activities on soil properties and biodiversity (SoilDiverAgro and Bioservices Project), and the impact of emerging contaminants (MP, antibiotics, etc) on soil-water interface. My experience outside Spain covers around 63 months, including research stays and hired by non-spanish institutions. My scientific impact has been demonstrated by 49 articles (27 Q1, 25 as first/last author and 20 as corresponding author), 3 co-edited books of abstracts, 10 book chapters and 57 conference communications (16 as oral comm.) (h-index 22, ~2020 citations, self-citation ~6%, GS source). I have received 3 individual research contracts in competitive regional/national calls (~313k €). I participated in 19 research projects at the local/national/international level, including 5 Horizon Europe (HE) projects and 7 projects for R&D centres at Spain and Portugal. I have been PI in three projects (~33k €) (EnvAgro, Matisse, JdCI), Co-PI (6k €) (Nameless) and managing committee member in a COST action (500k €). Currently, I’m WP and Task leader at two HE projects (Bioservices and Soildiveragro, respectively). My international collaboration includes contacts with groups from different countries with 15 articles and 1 book chapter without my PhD/postdoc research groups (>80 new co-authors). I co-organised 3 int. conferences, scientific committee member for 5 conferences, and I’ve been co-chairman in a conference session. In this sense, I'm reviewer > 80 WoS journals, guest editor of various special issues and research topics, and academic/associate editor and editorial board member at 4 WoS journals (PlosOne, Open Agriculture, J. Hazardous Materials Advances and Air, Water and Soil Research). I'm also project reviewer for Czech, Polish, Croatian and Latvian national agencies, European Science Foundation, H2020 and the HE Programme. Besides, I've been a scientific expert at the panel "Contamination by plastics" panel at Congreso de los Diputados through Ciencia en el Parlamento initiative (2018).