Publications (14) RAISA PÉREZ VAS publications
Resilience and adaptation: Galician canning fish industry evolution
Marine Policy, Vol. 163
Valuation of an innovative investment project using real options approach: A case study of a viticulture company in Spain
Agricultural Economics (Czech Republic), Vol. 70, Núm. 2, pp. 91-100
Brexit, common fisheries policy and discard ban: A financial analysis of the Spanish fleet in the Grand Sole
Fisheries Research, Vol. 249
Efectos de la política pesquera en Gran Sol: valoración de la flota española
Leveraging new business technology for a sustainable economic recovery
Opciones reales en un contexto de concentración del mercado: estudio de caso sobre la valoración de una planta de cría de rodaballo en España
Leveraging new business technology for a sustainable economic recovery
Política de aparcamiento en España: aplicación de la metodología de Opciones Reales para el estudio de una opción de abandono
Leveraging new business technology for a sustainable economic recovery
Small companies facing the mobility policy in Spain: Is it profitable to remain in the market?
Transport Policy, Vol. 128, pp. 113-120
Impact of the COVID-19 crisis: Analysis of the fishing and shellfishing sectors performance in Galicia (Spain)
Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 169
Real options for a small company in a context of market concentration: A case study of investment in a turbot farming plant in Spain
Marine Policy, Vol. 134
Real options for the valuation of investment projects: Practical case
Financial management ans risk analysis strategies for business sustainability (IGI Global), pp. 20-33
Valoración financiera de una empresa de movilidad urbana sostenible en España
Revista Estrategia Organizacional, Vol. 10, Núm. 2, pp. 1-15
Valuation of a company producing and trading seaweed for human consumption: Classical methods vs. real options
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 18, Núm. 10
Valoración de proyectos de inversión a través de opciones reales. Aplicación al capital riesgo en el sector tecnológico
XXXIII Congreso Internacional de economía aplicada Asepelt 2019: economía azul
Feasibility of hybrid offshore wind and wave technology: the case of study of the Galician region (North West of Spain)
Management in a Smart Society: business and technological challenges (Tokio) : XXVIII Congreso Internacional AEDEM = 2019 AEDEM International Conference : Tokio, 3 y 4 de septiempre de 2019