La comunicación on line de las Federaciones Deportivas Españolasweb corporativa y RRSS desde la aparición de la Covid-19

  1. Ana Belén Fernández Souto
  2. Juan José Perona Sáez
  3. Maria Luz Barbeito Veloso
  4. Mónica Valderrama Santomé
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación

ISSN: 1579-1726 1988-2041

Any de publicació: 2022

Número: 46

Pàgines: 996-1003

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación


The arrival of Covid-19 has changed the communication strategies of all organizations. The Spanish sports federations are not immune to this fact and have had to adapt their communication policies to the new social needs. To achieve this, they have opted for online technologies and temporarily stopped using other traditional tools in the field of communication, such as public events. This article aims to reflect on the use that these institutions have made of the corporate web and social networks during the outbreak of the pandemic. To address this issue, a survey has been carried out among the communication directors of the sports federations collected by the Higher Sports Council (CSD) and an analysis of their websites has been made. It has been verified that 100% of the institutions analyzed have a corporate website and the vast majority bet on the use of social networks, mainly Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Communication officials say that these tools have taken on greater weight in the mix of communication with the health crisis. On the other hand, the research reveals that, in just a decade, the Federations that use RRSS have gone from 39% to 97%, which shows the commitment to these communication tools.

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