Department: Química Física


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid with the thesis Superenrollamiento del dna en procariontes y eucariontes estudio de su función y la del bloqueo de las horquillas de replicación en procesos de recombinación 2006. Supervised by Dr. Jorge Bernardo Schvartzman Blinder.

María D. Mayán obtained her Ph.D. in Biology from the Complutense University of Madrid in 2006 at CIB-Margarita Salas (CSIC). Following this period, she carried out postdoctoral stays in London, at Imperial College London and the MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences. In 2010, she joined as Principal Investigator and later in 2014 as Group Leader (R4) at INIBIC in A Coruña. Currently, she leads her research group at CINBIO, dedicated to studying mechanisms involved in cancer progression and other age-related conditions such as osteoarthritis. Mayán has published more than 30 articles in high-impact journals and holds seven patents. Additionally, she has been the Principal Investigator (PI) for various national and international research projects. She coordinates the Women and Science group at SEBBM. Mayán is a Board Member of several scientific societies within SEBBM and ANIH. Moreover, she actively participates in activities related to scientific outreach, science policy, and the promotion of science, as well as the visibility of women in the STEM field