Department: Xeociencias mariñas e ordenación do territorio

Centre: *Facultade de Ciencias do Mar

Research center: CIM-UVigo

Campus: Vigo

Area: Stratigraphy

Research group: Marine and Environmental Geology


Doctor by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid with the thesis Aplicación de técnicas paleomagnéticas al estudio de materiales continentales rojos de edad pérmica y triásica 1993. Supervised by Dr. Amparo Ramos Ruiz.

Daniel Rey García is a geologist and professor of Stratigraphy at the University of Vigo since 2008. He pursued his research career at the Complutense University of Madrid, Aston, and Birmingham in the United Kingdom, where he obtained his doctorate, and at the University of Vigo, where he has been since 1993. At the University of Vigo, he coordinates the Research Group in Marine and Environmental Geology and established the Paleomagnetism Laboratory in 1995. He has been a pioneer in the studies of Environmental Magnetism in Spain and has promoted a multidisciplinary approach to Marine Geology. His contributions include the development of high-resolution scanner data acquisition methodologies for paleoclimatic proxies, integrating magnetic properties, XRF data, and other physical properties. Additionally, he has been involved in the development of vessels and equipment for conducting oceanographic studies in coastal areas. He is currently carrying out a project to build a hybrid propulsion research vessel that will serve the Marine Research Center and the Faculty of Marine Sciences. In his early years, his research focused on paleomagnetism and magnetostratigraphy of red continental sequences. He advanced the understanding of remanence acquisition in this type of rock, which allowed for the definition of the apparent polar wander curve of Iberia during the Permian and Triassic periods. Subsequently, his research shifted towards the application of magnetic geophysical techniques to paleoclimate and integrated coastal zone management. He has conducted studies on redoxomorphic diagenesis of magnetic minerals in marine environments, environmental magnetism to study sediment dynamics, climate change, and anthropogenic pollution. His notable works include the chronology of the post-sedimentary alteration sequence of magnetic minerals, the discovery of IRD (ice-rafted debris) off the Galician coast, and the detection of freshwater inputs in the Inner Basin of Galicia during Heinrich events. He has participated in over 30 research projects funded by regional, national, and European organizations, leading 13 of them. He has published more than 130 articles and presented over 250 communications at conferences. He has also led several oceanographic expeditions and has been a professor at the Faculty of Marine Sciences at the University of Vigo, where he has supervised doctoral and master's theses. In addition to his research and teaching work, he has participated in the organization of conferences, evaluated projects for the National Plan, and served as a reviewer for scientific journals. He has been a member of the University of Vigo's Board and Council of Government and is currently the Director of the Marine Research Center and the Campus do Mar. As the Director of the CIM, he has articulated an HR strategy based on increasing Marine Scientific Culture and developing socially responsible research practices committed to ethical principles, good research practices, and gender equality. He is interested in scientific outreach, participating in activities that promote research communication and public engagement, as well as encourage young people to study STEM subjects. He has organized numerous scientific outreach and communication events and has collaborated with print media, radio, television, and social media.