Department: Economía aplicada

Centre: *Facultade de Ciencias Xurídicas e do Traballo

Interuniversitary research center: ECOBAS

Campus: Vigo

Area: Applied Economics

Research group: Governance And Economics Research Network


Personal web:

Doctor by the UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia with the thesis Análisis económico de la prestación por desempleo incentivos y desincentivos a la búsqueda de empleo 2001. Supervised by Dr. Juan Antonio Gimeno Ullastres.

Alberto Vaquero García has a degree in Economics and Business Administration (Public Economics) by the University of Vigo, Social Graduate by the Complutense University of Madrid, Master in Economics of Education and Labour by the Carlos III University of Madrid and Doctor in Economics by the National University of Distance Education. He has been professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid and Specialized Advisor to the Study Cabinet of the Economic and Social Council of the Kingdom of Spain and Advisor to the Study Cabinet of the Ministry of Education and Science. Currently associate professor and researcher in the Department of Applied Economics of the Faculty of Business Sciences and Tourism of the University of Vigo (GEN research group, Governance and Economic Research Network, competitive reference group of the Xunta de Galicia). He has published several research articles in indexed national journals and different international and national book chapters. His main lines of research are: Education Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics and Regional Economics.